Paula Anguita | Kuno Ebert | Paul Roorda

Verstecken im Dunkeln

16.6. – 25.6.2023

Opening: Friday, July 16, 6 – 10 PM

Invited by Kuno Ebert

"The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves." – Carl Gustav Jung

The exhibition "Verstecken im Dunkeln" (Hiding in the Dark), brings together the work of three artists: Paula Anguita (Chile), Paul Roorda (Canada) and Kuno Ebert (Germany).

Their artistic work has in common the search for motifs that are not visible at first glance, and that require interaction with the observer to be discovered. The name of the exhibition alludes to this in a metaphorical way, referring to the children's game "hide and seek", which is based on the same process of discovery. In the case of the artists' work, the latent content is made visible not explicitly, but through a process of reflective introspection in which unconscious associations and indirect poetic evocations play a fundamental role.